
Website refresh and expanded careers section for a global chip designer and manufacturer.

New users and existing culture

Key challenges included working to ensure we were portraying a true reflection of internal culture to people shopping for a new career opportunity, and integrating new work into an existing brand.

Before state

Before this the careers section simply consisted of an iFrame containing an open jobs list. The homepage (pictured below) wasn’t working as hard as it could to convey the brand and aid navigation.


Contextual data: Industry space, similar & comparable companies
Employee interviews
Application of brand
Custom photography

Initially I gathered and analyzed contextual data.

Specific attention was paid to industry standards, voice and ways in which Inphi could raise the bar.


“Amazing things happen here, all the time.” – Kickstarter
“Want to join the band?” – Spotify
“Imagine.” – Microsoft
“When it comes to our values, you’re top of our list” – Qualcomm

Brand perception / personality


Proposed voice for HR section

Be clear, honest and engaging
Use positive emotional words and counterbalance expertise
Use human / empathetic language

“Join the team, grow with us.”
“We hear each other loud and clear.”

Diverse employee interviews

The creative director and I conducted a series of telephone interviews with employees from several teams and levels of seniority across the company.

Questions focused on

  • Perception (Initial and Current – company/product and culture)
  • Deciding factor in joining
  • Ideal HR site
  • Website feedback

The data was gathered in spreadsheets, mapped out and grouped into key areas of feedback.

“Contributing to projects with complexity and speed takes a collaborative effort with people in each department.”


We focused the company’s image direction upon two distinct areas reflecting both brand and product attributes:

1. Human/interactive/real
2. Technology/motion/speed

This included an update of their stock image library and custom on-site photography at both their Cali locations.

Information architecture

As well as adding an entirely new Careers section we were also asked to update the homepage, and expand the Market section to have three individual landing pages.

These AI diagrams investigate the location of these relative to top-level navigation.



Below are two home page wireframe solutions, and then a screenshot of the live site.

Careers section

The first wireframe option below with alternate delve-in points was rejected in favor of a tabbed navigation strip.

Because the wireframes were relatively high-fidelity, most of the wireframes transferred well to the final deliverable – with the exception of the locations page which was shelved for later.


Job listing and locations

To increase legibility I wanted to apply striping to the list, and although the listing was delivered through an iFrame I discovered that it was possible to add some simple css styling to the form at its point of origin.

Key impacts and learning

Research & data

The data was gathered in spreadsheets, mapped out and grouped on walls and then for the broader site changes we used the relevant findings to build a clear picture of user requirements.

User journey

On the homepage and expanded Markets section, we moved the consumer journey to the center of the story, and improved usability with revisited user flows and requirements.


Having the time to gather and arrange data from the interviews was extremely valuable in moving the site and brand forward. Follow up data collection from new employees and users will be equally useful in subsequent versions.

More work